Chester Santos - bounced out in the 2006 Tea Party with a brutal 10 digit phone number, his bad luck hold up this year when he again gets hit with multiple phone numbers in the Tea Party

Ram Kolli - winner of the 2005 US Championship

Erin Luley - she broke her own 2006 US record in Names and Faces

Brice Morey - an unbelievable natural talent who came out of nowhere to take 3rd place in 2007

Jenn Nauss - she placed 9th in 2006 but made it to the finals this year with stronger Speed Digits and Speed Cards

Ryan Kutzner - a member of the Mechanicsburg High School Team

David Thomas - while this is his first US Championship, he has competed before at the World Championship level and is a Grandmaster of Memory

Photos copyright 2007 James Jorasch - all rights reserved